The 29th Annual Scientific Symposium of
Hong Kong Cancer Institute
Immuno-Oncology Hong Kong 2024

23 – 24 November 2024 (Sat & Sun)
Kerry Hotel, Hong Kong
HKSAR, China


*Mandatory fields
Please enter your surname and first name (same as your registered name under your colleges / associations) since your registration details will be used for issuance of the digital Certificate of Attendance after the conference.

Personal Particulars
Contact Information
Conference Website
Your email will be used as the Login ID for our conference website.
At least 1 upper case letter and lower case letter (A-Z, a-z)
At least 1 number (0-9)
At least 8 characters
CME Programme

Remark: This part is only applicable to local participants and subject to final approval from individual college for the accreditation application.

*Do you wish to claim Continuing Medical Education ("CME") points?

*Please input the CME details correctly to facilitate the CME point credit arrangement.
Late submission or amendment of the details will not be entertained after registration.

Registration Fee (excluding Gala Dinner)
Local Delegates
Overseas Delegates
Students / Trainees #

# To verify your full-time student status, a letter of verification from an authorised institution or Supervisor must be provided.

Registration Fee
Local Delegates
Overseas Delegates
Students/ Trainees #

# To verify your full-time student status, a letter of verification from an authorized institution or Supervisor must be provided.

Sponsor Registration Code

For Students/Trainees:
Please attach a letter from authorized institution or supervisor confirming student/trainee status.


Gala Dinner

Gala Dinner will be held in the evening of 23 November 2024 at Kerry Hotel (HK$220 / US$28):

Dietary Restriction

Method of Payment

Visa or Master only. We do not accept American Express.

*Do you wish to receive future emails from us about our upcoming conference?

Consent to use Photographic Image

Registration and attendance at, or participation in IOHK 2024 constitutes an agreement by the registrant to IOHK conference secretariat's use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant or attendee's image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions and audiotapes.

Personal Information Collection Statement:
The information you provide will be used to update the online registration database, and will be kept strictly confidential. The Orgainzer may use such data for administrative and communication purposes, but will not disclose any personal information you provide to any external bodies or orgainzations unless you have been informed or it is required to do so by law. For the University’s policy on personal data, please visit

Confirmation email will be sent to the participant after completing the on-line registration.

Registration is completed only after we have received payment.

Bank draft/ Cheque should be made payable to “The Chinese University of Hong Kong”, please write on the back of the bank draft/ cheque with your registered full name and registered email address (in block letters).

Payment with the print out of the confirmation email should be mailed to:
Conference Secretariat
G07, The Sir YK Pao Centre for Cancer
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin,
HKSAR, China

Fax: (852) 2632-5816

Cancellation Policy
Cancellation of registration must be submitted to the conference secretariat on or before 22 October 2024.

By clicking the "Submit" button below, it implies that information provided above is accurate and in good order.
No amendment on the details will be entertained after registration.


Thank you for registering the Immuno-Oncology Hong Kong 2024 to be held on 23 - 24 November 2024. You will receive a confirmation email shortly. Should you have any question, please feel free to contact us at

We look forward to seeing you on 23 - 24 November 2024.